Monday 17 November 2014

History Became Legend; Legend Became Myth.

I guess I'll clear up a few myths, then.

  • I am not Cinna the conspirator. I don't share many traits with him; for a start, I am not male, Italian, or living in the 1st century BC.
  • My name is not Zoe Karbonopsina. My first name is actually Zoe, but I am not "Karbonopsina"; my eyes are more hazel than black. I am, however, Empress of Byzantium.
  • That last sentence was a lie.
  • I've never been all the way up to the rigs. Mostly because when it comes to boats I know barges and small sailcraft rather than tea clippers and the like.
  • I have, however, been down to the jigs. I play for and dance at a lot of ceilidhs. Ironically, I didn't know how to spell ceilidh until I was about fifteen.

So what about the things that are true? Well; I am a (feckless) student of history, and I like to tell funny historical anecdotes to everyone because history, as well as being unrelentingly violent and grim, is really really funny. I love the Balkans; I've been to Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia, and intend to visit more of them. I read as much about Balkan history as I can, and I'm learning Croatian so I can read even more. I've neglected my violin playing the last few years, and I want to rectify that but ceilidh band practice is on a really bad night for me so mostly my fiddle just sits in my room. I wish I had the dedication I did when I was younger. I like talking and thinking about fashion and style; I was a teenage Goth and although I don't feel comfortable calling myself Goth now I still love the fashion, which translates in my day-to-day wear as a phobia of bright colours and an inability to wear outfits that don't have some black (or red, or purple) in them. I used to be utterly consumed with books, but now I'm occupied with university work and I have the internet at my disposal, I don't read anywhere near as much as I used to. I still read like the hounds of the Morrigan are after me when I'm somewhere without work and without internet, so I could be as much of a bookworm as I used to be; I just don't have the willpower. I still love reading, though. I created this blog back in 2011, made a few posts, and then forgot about it. I decided to resurrect it now just to see if I could.

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