Wednesday 26 August 2015

We're All Living in Amerika

Haha oh god, right after I promised to be less slow next time I go for nearly a month without posting... In my defence, I came to the US (to be precise, Washington DC) a few days after that for an internship, and since then it's been incredibly hectic and I haven't had the time to post. To post a full recap of what I've been up to would be crazy, and I'm thinking of making a post after I get back to the UK about my experiences in this country, so for now, I'll just post a few photos I've taken that I like.

 I like the colours in this photo, the starkness of the flags against the sky, and just the fact that there are three American flags in a row! I took this one evening outside Union Station.

This is the US Navy Memorial. I often find that with things like these it's hard to fit everything you want into one photo, but I like this one.

My street in DC. I massively lucked out on my house, it's lovely. (And not in this photo!!)

 My friend Margherita and her enormous torta! We went out for Mexican food and after a little confusion at the fact that there was a "torta de jamón" on the menu (because I knew torta as meaning cake in Spnaish...) we ordered and hers came with... that. It was magnificent! Also a nice antidote to all the depressing, unimaginative sandwiches we've seen in our time here. Americans don't seem to do proper sandwiches, unless they're Mexican.

 I went bowling with some friends! Here you see Rory in a blur of activity. I'm usually crap at action shots so I liked that, although it was a blur, it looks like an intentional one rather than just me being incompetent.

A fountain by the waterfront in Georgetown. The lights actually kept changing from red to white to blue... very patriotic.

I have a friend arriving from the UK later today, and from then on I'll be even busier than usual, so this is probably my only post in America; I probably won't have the time until I get back to the UK.

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